
Spiderweb Magnesite Cabochons Loose Gemstones Rounded Triangle Shapes 0040

Wholesale: $20.00
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Wild Horse Magnesite
Stone Type:
Spiderweb Magnesite
Triangular Cabochons
Average Weight:
20 ct.
Size Range:
28mm x 18mm up to 35mm x 20mm
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Spiderweb Magnesite Cabochons Loose Gemstones Rounded Triangle Shapes

Bright white, cloud-like nodules float through the spiderwebbing red-brown mother stone. Spiderweb Magnesite is also known as Wild Horse Magnetite because of the resemblance to red-brown Pinto Horses with beautiful while patterns and spots that are often seen roaming the reservations in the west. Sometimes referred to as White Buffalo Turquoise, it is a unique gemstone full of expression and uniqueness. These beautiful natural stones are un-backed and ready to set into jewelry. Nodules of white scatter from edge to edge among the spiderweb red-brown matrix. The color and character is consistent throughout this entire load. The sizes vary slightly, from 28mm x 18mm up to 35mm x 20mm. The average weight of one stone is 20 carats. Check the photos closely to see get a good idea of the size range. Sold individually. Wild Horse Magnesite projects a kind of positive southwest energy, wild and free just like the swirling patterns.